Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Highest Peak in Vermont

Thank you, to my new sponsors:

Donna and Jim Barton
Mike and Diane Leach
James Lockhart
View of the Summit from Nosedive.
What a day, I hiked Mount Mansfield with my best friend Liam and Pippin. Our original plan was to hike up Hell Brook, cross the Mount Mansfield Ridge and go down the Haselton Trail. We decided to park in the Stowe Mount Resort Gondola Parking lot where the Haselton Trail empties out. We then proceeded to walk along the road into Smugglers Notch to find the Hell Brook trailhead. We started up the first trailhead we found.
The hike up was beautiful but rocky and challenging in places. Pippin, of course, flew right up no problem. Most of the trail wound through the woods occasionally crossing a stream. It was pretty steep in many areas and my legs were definitely burning. Both Liam and I were starting to wonder if the trail would ever end when we reached a little sign that said 0.6 miles to summit. The next part of the hike was very cool we popped out of the woods into the alpine zone. Soon we came to a fork in the road one arrow pointed to the Hell Brook trail and the other the summit. It didn’t take us long to conclude that we were not on the trail we were supposed to be on, but there was only one choice from there; to continue on to the summit. There was a lot of rock scrambling after that and even Pippin needed a lift once in a while. 

View of Stowe Mountain Resort from Trail
The view was well worth it, it was a beautiful day. To the west we could see Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks in New York State. To the east, far in the distance, you could make out the White Mountains in New Hampshire. It definitely gives you a perspective of how small Vermont is. 

View of Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks.
Liam, Pippin and I at the highest point in Vermont.
After admiring the view from the highest point in Vermont and enjoying a bite to eat we continued along the ridge line. It is almost always breezy and cool up there even when it is hot in the valley. Don’t forget a windbreaker. Many people of all ages were hiking the ridge line. It is very accessible because you can drive up the toll road and walk the ridge with very little elevation change. 
Liam and Pippin leading the way.
We had better luck finding the Haselton Trail, which is on the Nosedive ski trail. The trail was long and steep and I was relieved when we finally saw the gondolas. When I got home I looked up the mileage for the Long Trail south which was the one we accidentally took. The loop totaled 6.5 miles. It was a great adventure but my legs are feeling it. 
Pippin tuckered out after the hike.
For More Information on the Mount Mansfield hike go to: http://home.earthlink.net/~ellozy/mt-mansfield.html

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